Rules of the Disc Junkies
Rule #1: Provide fellow "Junkies" with new music . . . whatever is in your CD player, or getting played on your iPOD. The idea is to introduce, or re-introduce fellow Junkies to bands, songwriters, and silky albums.
Rule #2: Don't be lame. You decided to join the junkies, so do your job to make it worthwhile. This includes blogging your comments and feedback during the month.
Rule#3: CD's are due at the by the 1st day of the assigned month. This Rule goes into effect August 1 of '05. If your CD is late then the blog is open to mad amounts of trash-blogging. CD's must be accompanied by original CD Cover Art. Choose any medium you like, and include the Words "Disc Junkies" on the cover with the volume number.
Rule #4: If you absolutely have too much going on to put together your mix, then it is your responsibility to arrange with the next person in line to take your place. If you exercise this option, you don't get to go next after them, you forfeit your turn and are bumped down to the bottom of the line.
Rule #5: If you fail to carry out rules 3 & 4 and all other members of the club end up without a CD at any time during your month, you are now in some trouble. You are bumped down to the bottom of the line, just like above; however, you will be put on probation.
Rule #6: Probation (pro-bay-shun); def. - member's first name on the blog will be changed to "Probation", denoting that said member will NOT be sent any further Disc Junkie's cd's until he takes the necessary steps to redeem themselves (see rule #7).
Rule #7: Freeing yourself from Disc Junkie probation is a simple process: Step 1: Ship everyone in the club 1 makeup CD mix sometime before your next turn. Once this requirement has been met, regular receipt of the Disc Junkie volumes to your mailbox will resume.
Rule #7: If you fail to carry out rules 3 & 4 a SECOND time, then you've just been erased. You'll be dismissed from the club and every member of your family, past . . . present . . . and future . . . will be black-balled from the Disc Junkies. Lo Siento, compadre.
Rule #8: You must fill out and maintain a blogger profile with a working email.
Rule #9: If you feel like your time has come and you are off to pursue an album career of your own, then you may exit the Junkies once your commitment has been fulfilled. Send out a CD to the club and then submit your resignation so that you can be replaced. And yes, you will be missed.
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